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Television Support
Below are the best ways to contact us when you experience trouble
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Television Support & FAQ's
My Television picture is freezing and/or pixelated
First try rebooting your set top box
1) Unplug the set top box power cord
2) Wait 15 seconds
3) Plug your set top box power cord back in
4) The set top box will go through its reboot cycle
- If you do not have a steady picture after completing these steps please call us at
765.296.9900 or contact us here to create a trouble ticket.
My Television says "No Signal"
First make sure your set top box is turned on. If it is and "No Signal" is still displayed then this is probably
because your Television is on the wrong "input." Most TV's these days have a variety of inputs from HDMI 1, HDMI 2, HDMI 3, to AV or Antenna TV. Your set top box will be plugged into one of these inputs on your TV. You should try cycling the inputs until you find the correct one that your set top box is plugged into.
- If you are unsure how to change inputs on your Television please give us a call at 765.296.9900 or contact us here to create a trouble ticket.
My Television says "Not Subscribed"
More than likely you are on a channel that is not part of your subscribed television package. If you only want to see subscribed channels you can make this change with your remote.
1) Press the "Guide" button on your remote control
2) On the left hand side just above the guide you will see it says "ALL"
3) Simply press the "Guide" button until the word "All" changes to "Subscribed"
4) Now hit exit. The next time you press "Guide" it will only display subscribed content that is included in your package.
I can only access a handful of channels
Much like the previous scenario, your Guide is probably set to "Favorites" or "HD." Therefore it will only display what falls under that category. This is an easy fix.
1) Press the "Guide" button on your remote control
2) On the left hand side just above the guide you will see it says either "Favorites" or "HD"
3) Simply press the "Guide" button until it changes to "Subscribed"
4) Now hit exit. The next time you press "Guide" it will display subscribed content that is included in your package.
Other Television Support Information
Know your remote control
ADB Remote
Polaris Remote
Entone Kamai Remote
Maxi Linux Remote
Supporting Literature:
ADB Remote Control Programming Guide
Polaris Remote Control Programming Guide
Entone Kamai Remote Control Programming Guide
Maxi Linux Remote Control Programming Guide
Channel Guide Lineups:
Click the image below to access our latest channel guide
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